Meet the Board of Directors

Paul Coolen
President of the Board
“Our family has been working within the dive industry for decades and without reefs no diving! I feel obliged to try to save our legacy for our little girls.”

David J. Fishman
Treasurer of the Board
“Having long been inspired by the diversity and the beauty of coral reefs, it’s exciting to engage with this smart & dedicated team working to understand and restore what we love.”

Jerry Beaty
Secretary of the Board
“It’s been rough watching the state of the reefs decline over the years. I’m proud to be part of an organization taking the problem head on.”

Ken Nedimyer
“To rise to meet some of the biggest challenges our reefs have ever faced, we need to work together, collaborate and empower each other.”

Martien van der Valk
“Coral reefs are very important for our ecosystem. Our goal is to restore reef habitats to make sure future generations can also enjoy the beauty of the underwater life; the work of RRFI will make this possible.”